Join Our Team!

For People With A Love For Science Communication!

Would you love to be involved with Science Communication? But don’t know where to start? Well, we do!

Now you have the opportunity to join us in our Science Communication Journey!

One of the problems with starting a podcast/blog/newsletter is getting it to people who want to read it. And we have the audience sorted. So you can join us and write blogs/make videos/write threads/ or make social media posts about things that truly interest you, and you don’t have to worry about all the other details!

We do expect our team members to make regular content. If you just want to dip your toes in the water every once in a while check out our page about becoming a guest writer.

There are many things you can help with:


Help with the Podcast

Do you have an interesting topic or research you would like to talk about? Or would you like to help us by preparing the science behind episodes? Diving into the literature of topics you like? 

We have many options and it depends on your interest what you will end up doing! You will learn form our podcast hosts what it is like to make a podcast!

Our Podcast is listened to 2300-2700 times a month. Your contribution will have reach!

A great example of one of our Science behind episode is:

Help with the Blog

Would you like to write Blogs on a regular basis, but do you not have an audience to read them? Or do you not want to build an entire website? Then you can become a blog writer in our team. You would write regularly about topics you really find interesting. 

Your name and picture will be featured on every blog you write! Our Blogs get about 100-200 readers/month each, so your contribution will be seen!

Our Blog Topics
- Cutting Edge Research

In this section we have blogs that talk about exciting new Science and Ideas

- Mental Health

Mental Health is an important topic in Science, and we believe it is important to talk about this and be open about the struggles. But we also want to help! With tips about mindfulness, meditation, and tips on how to find happiness even if the science seems to not work at that moment.

- Productivity

This a much-requested topic by our followers! Here we focus on helping Scientists with taking back control over their lives! With hacks, tips, and tricks we hope to make life just a little bit easier. 

- Skills

In this Skills for Scientists section, we write about new skills that are useful for scientists or life after academia. 

- Tips & Tricks

In this Tips & Tricks for Scientists we help you take charge of your life! We dig up the best ones for you and try them out!

- Scientists Stories

Do you have a Story about your life that you think might help other Scientists/PhD students? Then this is the place to share! For this section we also allow anonymous stories. 

Help with our Social media

Would you rather write threads for on Twitter or make Reels for on Instagram? You can definitly help us with creating content for Social Media! Our platforms are quite big so check them out: 

Write for the Newsletter

Prefer to write content for our monthly Newsletter? Also this is a possibility!

Sponsor Information

What is in if for you?

  • You can add Science Communication to your CV!
  • You can work on Scientific topics that interest you outside of your normal field
  • You don’t have to worry about promoting you work, people will actually read it!
  • You get to learn from our experts about Podcast making, Blog writing, SEO, Website making, and so much more!
  • Access to all future Explained by Scientists courses for free (a work in progress)
  • You will be a Struggling Scientists! Help people through the influence we have build!


Reach out to us via Let us know who you are and what you passion for Science Communication is! We will plan a zoom meeting with you and see if we can make some great content together!