With Valentine’s day fast approaching we felt it was our duty to help our fellow Struggling Scientists get their Lab crush the perfect valentine card. So we went hunting for the best Valentines for Scientists, or pickup lines, out there! And we found some gold! We selected the 14 best of them for our campaign and sadly had to edit out some gold like:
Chemists do it on the table periodically.
A real contender but perhaps more harmful to relationships than we can in good consciousness recommend.
Now with all of the quotes that we did select we also definitely want to warn you to use them with caution, we are not responsible for any damage done to relationships.
If you want to follow along with our Valentine’s social media campaign then subscribe to our social media:
Would you like one of our quotes as a printable card? We make them for our supporters! Just let us know which one you want in the message!
With that out of the way we can get started with our 14 Valentines for Scientists!
The 14 best Valentines for Scientists
#1 Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you're cute.
A really cute Valentine for all the chemists among you! Although perhaps Tellurium is not the best chemical element to be made of:
Tellurium is a chemical element with the symbol Te and atomic number 52. It is a brittle, mildly toxic, rare, silver-white metalloid.
So use this one with caution!

#2 I wish I was Adenine So I could get paired with U.
We are sure your lab Crush will appreciate this one! How cute can it get!
You fit together like DNA
One of the best Valentines for Scientists out of our collection.
#3 Your Lab or My Lab?
This Valentine for Scientists is for the Cheeky among us. Are you daring enough to sent this Valentine’s card?
The Struggling Scientists does not condone or support the use of lab equipment for anything other than its intended use ;).

#4 Are you a Carbon Sample? Because I want to date you.
Now this is as original as it gets! Do you have a secret crush on someone and do you want to be remembered. Than definitely sent this Valentine for Scientists!
Would you like one of our quotes as a printable card? We make them for our supporters! Just let us know which one you want in the message!
#5 Blood is Red. Cyanosis Is Blue. I get Heart Palpitations whenever I see you.
We promise it is not a heart condition, it’s love!
This Valentine we selected for all the medical doctors among you. It is cute, it rhymes and it shows of your medical knowledge. What more could you want?
Now we are not afraid to admit that we had to look up Cyanosis: Blue skin or lips (cyanosis) happens when there’s not enough oxygen in your blood, or you have poor blood circulation.
See you even learn things here 😉

#6 Let's find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.
Archimedes was onto something with his bathtub! Who knew he was such a lady’s man?
Although the methods might be a bit more modern we still support anyone replicating this experiment! For Scientific integrity and such.
#7 If I were a virus, I would infect you with my Love.
Perhaps a bit creepy, but also cute right? RIGHT?
The only type of virus I want to be infected by!

#8 I want to stick to you like Glucose.
The sweetest molecule that wants to hug you and never let go.
Like on the inside.
In your arteries.
Cute no?
#9 If I was an Enzyme I'd be DNA Helicase, so I could unzip your Genes.
That cheeky DNA helicase! Wanting to get in my replication fork.
A very cute valentine for scientists in a relationship, but perhaps not for your still secret crush.

#10 Come back to my Lab and I will show you the Big Bang isn't just a Theory.
Oh my,..
It is getting hot and bothered in here.
Now that will convince those Creationists! 😉
#11 You are so hot you Denature my Proteins.
The melting temperature varies for different proteins, but temperatures above 41°C (105.8°F) will break the interactions in many proteins and denature them.
There! We added some real Science into this Blog. Moving on now.

#12 Anaerobic Repiration reminds me of how you take my breath away.
The mitochondrion might be the powerhouse of the cell, but you could be the powerhouse of my…..
Not sure where I am going with this.
#13 Forget Hydrogen, You're my number one Element.
Awwww such a cute card, one of our best Valentines for Scientists.
Would you like one of our cards as a real printable card? We make them for our supporters! Just let us know which one you want in the message!

#14 We fit together like the Sticky Ends of Recombinant DNA.
This is in my humble Medical Biochemist opnion the best one of our 14 valentines for Scientists.
It is cute and genetically relevant. We fit together like DNA. Now that is real love!
You want to get sticky together?
We hope you loved our 14 Valentines for Scientists!
These were the 14 best Valentines for Scientists that we have found! Now it is unclear who where the original creators of these quotes since they have been around for a while, but we want to thank them! Selecting these quotes was a lot of fun and we hope you enjoyed them too!
If you want to see our Valentines social media campaign follow us on social media:
If you loved this content and would like to stay up to date with everything we do, subscribe to our monthly Newsletter:
If you have an additional Science quote that you feel is missing. Or you would like to let us know your favorite please leave a comment below!
#1 Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you’re cute.
#2 I wish I was Adenine So I could get paired with U.
#3 Your Lab or My Lab?
#4 Are you a Carbon Sample? Because I want to date you.
#5 Blood is Red. Cyanosis Is Blue. I get Heart Palpitations whenever I see you.
#6 Let’s find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.
#7 If I were a virus, I would infect you with my Love.
#8 I want to stick to you like Glucose.
#9 If I was an Enzyme I’d be DNA Helicase, so I could unzip your Genes.
#10 Come back to my Lab and I will show you the Big Bang isn’t just a Theory.
#11 You are so hot you Denature my Proteins.
#12 Anaerobic Repiration reminds me of how you take my breath away.
#13 Forget Hydrogen, You’re my number one Element.
#14 We fit together like the Sticky Ends of Recombinant DNA.